
Thursday, 29 November 2012


  Rafi Ahmed Kidwai
Stamp Issue Date : 01/04/1969  
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20  
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0587  
Postal Stamp Name : RAFI AHMED KIDWAI  
Philatelic Stamp Description : The design of the stamp is horizontal. It depicts a portrait of late Shri Rafi Ahmed Kidwai at the right of the stamp. At the left top corner aeroplane is shown flying to indicate the Night Air Mail service, which was introduced by late Shri Rafi Ahmed Kidwai during the year 1948.The design of the First Day Cover has been prepared by Shri Pakrashi, an artist of New Delhi.  
Stamp Currency : P  
Stamp Language : English  
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 x 2.9  
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms. 
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35  
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13  
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal  
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked paper  
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure  
Number of stamps printed : 30,00,000 
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press 
Indian Stamp's Color : Blue Grey
First Man on Moon 
19th November 1969
First Man on Moon
Perforation: 14 x 14 1/2 Watermark: None

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Stamp Issue Date : 25/01/1969
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0584
Stamp Information : Dr. Martin Luther King, the great civil Rights Leader of United States of America joined the ranks of the immortals of history on April 4, 1968. An assassin's bullet put a premature end to his crusading career, for Dr. King was not yet forty. The second of three children of a Baptist Minister, Dr. King was born on January 15, 1929. He came of a family with a high clerical tradition. No less than five of his ancestors and kinsmen were clergyman. It was no surprise that he accepted the pastorate in the Niegro Bapist Churche at Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. While still a student he had been profoundly influenced by Henry David Thoreau's essay on "Civil Disobedience." Later, he had occasion to listen to a lecture on Mahatma Gandhi and this had an "electrifying" effect upon him. He made a study of Gandhiji's non-violent mass struggle. The movements against racial tyranny and intolerance, which he later led, owed as much to his Christian background as to Gandhiji's influence. His first great role in public life came late in 1955 when he was called upon to lead the Montgomery bus boycott. A Negro woman was arrested when she refused to give up her bus seat in favour of a white passenger. The Negros were formed about forty percent of the population gave up bus rides in protest. This continued for a year and the bus line lost heavily. Dr. King was harassed and even jailed during this period. But the movement finally succeeded when a Federal court ruled that racial segregation on buses was unconstitutional. The net great landmarks were the civil disobedience movement at Birmingham, Alabama in 1963, and the great protest march on Washington later that year. About 250,000 people both white and Negro joined that march. Dr. King was now in the forefront of the fight for civil rights, a fight eschewing to violence and appealing to only moral force. Worldwide recognition came to him when he was honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Dr. King's peaceful methods of agitation were disliked by the Negro extremists. The white racists of course considered him their enemy. That attempts were made on his life was not entirely unexpected. It was believed that it was a white racial fanatic who fired the fatal shots. Thus was cut down in its prime a life dedicated to the cause of equality among men. But the spirit of Martin Luther King will live on so long as there is injustice to be fought. His life is of particular significance to us in this country. The close parallel between his mission and Mahatma Gandhi's is an induring link that will bind us to Martin Luther King's memory. Both great leaders made the supreme sacrifice for the cause they held so dear. India has honoured Dr. King by posthumously bestowing upon him the Nehru Award for international understanding for 1966. The Indian Posts and telegraphs department feels privileged to pay its tribute to this great son of America, indeed of the world, by issuing a commemorative stamp in his honour. The coincides with the formal presentation of the Award to Mrs. King who has so graciously come over to his country to receive it.
Philatelic Stamp Description : Description of Design The design is horizontal and depicts a portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.34 x 2.4
Postal Stamp Print Size : 2.99 x 2.1 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 54
Stamp Perforations : 14 x 13,1/
Postal Stamp Shape : Horizontal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 35,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Raw Sienna

  Ardaseer Cursetji Wadia Amd Ships

Stamp Issue Date : 27/05/1969
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0591
Stamp Information : Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia had the unique honour of being the first in many fields during the Victorian era. He was the first Indian who had the honour to be elected a fellow of the Royal Society; he was the first to introduce lighting by gas in Bombay. The picture of the First day Cover issued by the Post and telegraphs department depicts the gas lamps installed by him in one of the streets in Bombay. he was the first to build an ocean going steam vessel in India. Ardaseer Corsetjee Wadia belongs to the well-known family of Lowjee Wadia who had distinguished themselves as the noted ship-builders of Bombay. He was born on the 6th October, 1808. His father Cursetjee Rustomjee was a master builder in the Dockyard at Bombay. After receiving his early education, he joined the dockyard in 1822 at the very young age of 14. he was very much interested in marine engineering and especially in the working of steam engine. While in England, he constructed a steam engine, which he sent to India for being fitted in a boat of his own building. This was the 'INDUs' launched in 1833. His flair for the steam engine and mechanical gadgets was such that he was the first to install steam pumps on the island of Bombay which provided sufficient water to a small fountain thereby demonstrating to his countrymen the great advantages which may be derived from introduction of steam as a means of power which could be used successfully for irrigation. The great interest Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia took in the engineering line led him to introduce gas lighting in Bombay. On 10th March, 1834, he lighted his bungalow and his gardens at Mazagoan with gas, when the governor of Bombay and people from all parts of the town gathered to see the novel experiment. The Governor of Bombay was so impressed that before departing, he presented him with a Dress of Honour. Ardaseer was for some time a professor in the Elphinston Institution in Bombay teaching the mechanical and chemical sciences. In 1839, he went to England on his own to make further studies in the branch of mechanical sciences. During his stay in England, he had the privilege of being introduced to the marquis of Northampton, the then President of royal Society and other distinguished members of the society. His knowledge of the steam engine as applied to the navigation and the efforts he made for promotion of sciences and the useful arts in his country, were recognised by the Royal Society on the 27th may, 1841 when he was elected a Fellow. He was thus the first Indian to be elected a fellow of this august Society. Ardaseer was one of the dignitaries from India who attended the wedding of queen Victoria. On return from England, he was appointed as chief Engineer and Inspector of machinery at the Steam Factory at Bombay by the Court of Directors of the East India Company in preference to several English candidates. This was very unusual at that time as Ardaseer had to supervise the work of English employees at the docks. He occupied this post with great dignity till 1st August, 1857 when he retired from the service. In 1837, he was elected a non-resident member of the Royal Asiatic Society of England. In 1855 he was elected a justice of the peace. His hobby was to introduce novelties in the city of his birth and thus he was the first to introduce the sewing Machine, photography and electro-plating in Bombay. after a distinguished career and a useful life, Ardaseer settled down at Richmond, England and passed the remaining years of his life there. He died on the 16th November, 1877. The P. & T. Department deem s it an honour to bring out a commemorative stamp in memory of this great son of India, pioneer and innovator, Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The design of the stamp is horizontal and depicts a portrait of Ardaseer Cursetjee Wadia along with sailing ships with which late Cursetjee Wadia was associated.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 4.06 x 2.2
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.80 X 2.0 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 50
Stamp Perforations : 14 x 14,1/
Postal Stamp Shape : Horizontal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 30,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Turquoise Blue

Dal Lake, Kashmir
Stamp Issue Date : 15/03/1967
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 2.00
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0518
Postal Stamp Name : DAL LAKE, KASHMIR
Stamp Information : The six postage stamps, being issued on the 15th of March, 1967 are part of the fourth definitive series. Nineteen in all, this series brings out the varied facets of India's eventful present, fast changing and yet rooted in the rich past. The first two in the new definitive series were issued in 1965, the 15 paise denomination showing a woman worker plucking tea leaves and the Rs. 10 denomination depicting India's first atomic reactor. They were followed in 1966 by three stamps viz. the 6 paise stamp with the famous Konark Elephant, the 10 paise with India's first electric locomotive rolling out of the Chittaranjan factory and the Re. 1 stamp with the well known mediaeval piece of sculpture of a woman writing a letter. The themes of six stamps to be released on the 15th March have been selected from the vast panorama of the Indian scene - the 8 paise stamp shows the spotted deer of the Indian forests, the 30 paise stamp a pair of dolls typically Indian in their inspiration, the 50 paise stamp a bunch of mangoes representing the finest fruit that grows on the Indian soil, the 70 paise stamp is the stone chariot of Humpi in Mysore, the Rs. 2 stamp the Dal lake in Kashmir and the Rs. 5 stamp the country's tallest dam at Bhakhra in Punjab. These stamps are printed at the India Security press, Nasik Road by photogravure process on unwatermarked paper with all over 'Asoka Pillar'. The technical data are in the inside pages. Eight more stamps are to follow in this series on dates to be announced later.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The themes of six stamps to be released on the 15th March have been selected from the vast panorama of the Indian scene - the 8 paise stamp shows the spotted deer of the Indian forests, the 30 paise stamp a pair of dolls typically Indian in their inspiration, the 50 paise stamp a bunch of mangoes representing the finest fruit that grows on the Indian soil, the 70 paise stamp is the stone chariot of Humpi in Mysore, the Rs. 2 stamp the Dal lake in Kashmir and the Rs. 5 stamp the country's tallest dam at Bhakhra in Punjab. Design based on photo by Shri T. Kasi Nath, Director, Photo Division, Ministry of I. & B., Govt. of India.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 4.06 x 2.2
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.80 X 2.0 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 50
Stamp Perforations : 14 x 14,1/
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked paper with all over 'Asoka Pillar'.
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Blue Grey and Monastral Blue

Laxmanarao Kirloskar
Stamp Issue Date : 20/06/1969
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0594
Stamp Information : Kirloskar industries are among the leading industrial enterprises in Indai. They have been responsible for transforming agricultural promotion in India through its products. Shri Laxmanrao Kirloskar the founder, was a pioneer in vision and zeal. He revolutionalized Indian agriculture by introducing iron ploughs in place of traditional wooden ploughs. Laxmanrao Kirloskar, founder of the Kirloskar Industries was born on 20th June, 1869, in a small village, Gurlahosur in Belgaum District (now Mysore State). He started his life as a school teacher and later on, opened a cycle repair shop in Belgaum. But his ambition and mission could not be satisfied by a small workshop at Belgaum. He established a small unit in the former Aurangabad State for production of Chaff-cutters and manufacture of iron ploughs. In te early days, the Kirloskar had to meet with oppositionfrom formers who bwlieved that iron ploughs were poison the land and make it useless. Superstious farmers were extremely hard to convince and Laxmanrao Kirloskar took two years to sell his first iron ploughs. When the Municipality of Belgaum ordered Kirloskar to vacate their place, Laxmanrao Kirloskar could not find a suitable place for his workshop. But thanks to the timely help of the Ruler of Aundh who offered him a place arranging loan of ten thousand rupees, he started his factory in an arid waste land by the side of a a renown railway station, named Kundal Road. The factory later blossomed into famous Kirloskar Industries and the station came to be called Kirloskarvadi. Shri Laxmanrao Kirloskar was not only an industrialist but also a great social reformer. When blind orthodoxy was rampant in rural area, he advocated the removal of untouchability. He banned untouchability in the township that he had established at Kirloskarvadi. He believed i social reform and tristed in the goodness of man. He employed ex-convicts as night watchman -------
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 x 2.9
Postal Stamp Print Size : 2.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 35,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Suede Gray

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