
Tuesday, 27 November 2012


 Indian Mountaineering
Though instituted in 1957 in the form of a Sponsoring Committee for the Cho Oyu Expedition, the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) dates its birth on May 15, 1958 - the day on which the expedition gained its objective and the Indian National Flag flew over the 8,155-metre-high summit of Cho Oyu.This spectacular success encouraged the committee to sponsor more expeditions, including the first Indian Everest Expedition, in 1960. On January 15, 1961 a permanent organisation was set up taking its present nomenclature with its headquarters at New Delhi. It was registered on November 3, 1961.The main objectives of the Foundation are to organise, support and provide a base for mountaineering expeditions, skiing, rock-climbing, trekking at high attitudes and to promote, encourage, support and execute schemes for all other kinds of adventures.Since its inception, the Foundation has organised and sponsored 32 expeditions, supported financially as well as technically some 500 Indian expeditions. It has been giving scholarship's for training in mountaineering, holding special training camps for selected mountaineers, arranging mountaineering equipment and maintaining stores for Indian expeditions, extending financial help to encourage treks and adventure at high altitudes, assisting in maintenance and improvement of environment and wildlife aspects of the Himalayas.The IMF registers peaks for climbs for foreign expeditions, helps them to get governmental clearances and finds liaison officers for them. It arranges weather broadcasts where required and liases with the Air Force for helicopter rescue work and for land rescue or search through appropriate agencies.The Indian Mountaineering Foundation is celebrating its Silver Jubilee celebrations from August 27 to 29 in collaboration with Air India and the department of Tourism. During the 3-day fixture, important aspects of Himalayan trekking and mountaineering, which have gained considerable popularity in recent years, are proposed to be discussed. A Consortium of Travel Agents has been formed in India and they have worked out several pre and post Meet treks in our mountains with some of the world's leading mountaineers participating in these adventerous Himalayan pursuits. Membership of the IMF is conferred upon persons who have distinguished themselves in the field of mountaineering or have rendered valuable service in the promotion and spread of mountaineering and allied sports. The sponsoring Committee considers and invites persons to become members; the total number of members at any one time is not to exceed 60.The IMF has all along had distinguished civil servants as its Presidents, including Sir Raghavan Pillai and Shri S. S. Khera. Since 1966, when Shri H. C. Sarin took over as its President, the mountaineering activities within the country have multiplied manifold. In fact, some historians have termed it as 'Explosion in Mountaineering'. The Foundation's first concern is to preserve the purity and safety of the Himalayan ecosystem.
 Kumaran Asan 
Stamp Issue Date : 12/04/1973
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0678
Postal Stamp Name : KUMARAN ASAN (WRITER & POET)
Stamp Information : Kumaran Asan was one of the makers of modern India. Born in a community condemned for centuries to untouchability, he fought against the inequities of a caste ridden society and passionately sang of individual dignity, social freedom and the brotherhood of man. Kumaran Asan was born on the 12th of April 1873 at Kayikkara, a small coastal village in Kerala. His boyhood was spent in learning Malayalam and Sanskrit, and after his contact with Sri Narayan Guru, the greatest Social Reformer of modern Kerala, he took to an intesive study of Hindu religious philosophy. This was followed by a strenous study of Hindu and Buddist philosophy and Sanskrit Literature, over a period of five years spent in Bangalore, Madras and Calcutta. It was at this time that he was also introduced to English language and literature with ehich he became closely acquainted. After his return to Kerala he plunged into the task of organising the S.N.D.P. Yogam for the allround uplift of the Eazhava community. He married in his 45th year and settled down at Thonakkal. A boat accident on the 16th of January 1924, tok away his life at its prime. Asan's mature works include the ode, "The Fallen Flower", te elegy "The Lament", the monologue "The Meditations of Seeta", and the narrative poems "Nalini", "Leela", the "Tragic Plight", "The Outcaste Nun" and "Compassion". The Fallen Flower delineats, unde the symbolism of the flower, the vicissitudes of Human Life and the essential tragedy at the core of existence. "The Mediatation of Seeta" is an attemp to probe the whole gamut of the emotions of Seeta as she reviewed her past in the solitude occasioned by the departure of her sons to participate in Sri Rama's Ashwamegha Yaga. While "Nalini" and "Leela" deal with the tragedy of young love, the "Outcaste Nun" and "Compassion" have Buddhist legends for there themes. Steeped in the ancient Hindu and Buddhist lore, he explored the essence of Idian thought, and came to his own vision of life, a vision which is essential tragic. Life is transient and darkened by man's cruelty to man; but life at its best is irradiated with love even under the shadow of sorrow and death; in fact love is the primal force that animates the whole universe. This vision he embodied in forms of rare freshness and power. In the face of the imitative stuff of the neo-classical poets, he asserted the primacy of individual imagination and in more ways than one symbolised the conciousness of modern Kerala.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp design is vertical and depicts the portrait of Kumaran Asan.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive coated paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 10,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Red Brown

St.Thomas -19th Death Centenary
Stamp Issue Date : 03/07/1973
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0687
Stamp Information : The arrival of St. Thomas in India was a matter of great significance. There is a general belief that Christianity was brought to India by Western countries, which is not borne out by history. The very same time St. Peter and St. Paul proceeded West, St. thomas had proceeded eastwards to India. Soo after he death, resurrection and ascension of HJesus Christ into heaven, His disciples assembled to discuss teir future plans in the light of Christ's direction to "go out all over the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation". It is said that the desciples cast lots to decide which way each of them should proceed to execute their Master's orders and it fell to the lot of St. Thomas, to go East. The tradition is that St. thomas first proceeded tothe north-western parts of India, the land of the Parthian king Gondophares during the second quarter of the first century. There is little trace at present of the activities of the saint in these regions. Perhaps his mission was short-lived as history tells us that during the Kushan invasion around 47 A.D., King Gondophares had to flee and his dynasty ended. St. Thomas also had to leave. During that period the coast of Kerala was famous all over the world for its enormous supply of spices. There were regular sailings from the Middle East to the port of Muziris near presentCranganore, about 10 miles north of Cochin. St. Thomas sailed from Arabia to India and landed at Cranganore about the year 52 A.D. The traditional belief is supported by strong evidences of the activities of St. Thomas is South India. In Kerala he founded seven churches at Palayur, Cranganore, Kottakavu (Parur), Kokkamangalam, Niranam, Nilakal and Quilon. After his evangelisation on the west cost, he shifted his activities to the Coromandel coast in tehe East. Three places are outstanding in their conectin with the missionary laboures of St. Thomas in this part viz. Mylapore, Little Mount or Periamalai. Here he was the favorite of thew local king Mahadevan. But he was ever in danger of losing his life by the scheming ministers of the king. St. thomas had to hide in the jungles of the Little Mount to escape persecurion. From Littl;e Mount he shifted to St. Thomas Mount, a very dificult place of access in those days. But the marauders sought him there, and were on the point of seizing him. Unbroken tradition maintains that while the Apostle was praying before the cross carved by him on a stone, which is seen to this day, an assasin procured by King Mahadevan's ministers abd priests, crept up stealthily and pierced him with a lance from behind. Thereupon, the Apostle is reported to have fallen on the stone cross and embraced it, his blood wetting it and the space around. This was in te year 72 A.D. This cross was accidentally discovered as the Portiguese were digging up the foundations of a new church on the ount. It is now installed in this church. This cross is specially adopted for design of this stamp, being closely associated with the death of St. Thomas. The Posts and Telegraphs Department are privileged to bring out a stamp commemorating the 1900th death anniversary of St. Thomas.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp is vertical and depicts the cross in the church on St. Thomas Mount, Madras.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 15,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Raw Sienna
25th Anniversary of International Services 
INTERPOL - 50 th Anniversary
Stamp Issue Date : 09/10/1973
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0698
Postal Stamp Name : INTERPOL EMBLEM
Stamp Information : The Internatinal Criminal Police Organisation (ICPO), generally known as INTERPOL, is a successor to the International Criminal Police Commission which was founded in 1923 at Vienna, Austria. Its aims are to ensure and promote the widest possible mutual assistance between all criminal plice authorities within the limits of the law existing in different countries and to establish and develop all institution and suppression of ordinary law crimes. It strictly forbids activities of political, military, racial and religious character. 2. A large number of countries totalling 114 and spanning all the six continents are member of the ICPO-Interpol. 3. The ICPO- Interpol has its headquarters at Paris where its General Secretaries is located. Te Secretary General, the Chief Executive of the ICPO-Interpol. looks after the working of the General Secreatariate. Besides the General Secretariate, the Organisation comprises the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the National Central Bureau of the member countries. 4. India is a member of the ICPO-Interpol since 1938. Director, Central Bureau of Investigation is the head of the National Central Bureau and represents India in the Organisation. 5. The General Assembly of the Interpol holds its ordinary sessions once every year. The venue shifts place to place. The 42nd General Assembly session of the ICPO-Interpol is going to be held at Vienna, Austria this year from 2nd to 9th October, 1973. This is particularly significant in the view of the fact that the ICPO-Interpol is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year at Vienna, the place of its birth. 6. The General Assembly delibrates on subjects of varied international police interest and co-operation. Some of the important subjects discussed by it are:- (i) Theft of Cultural Property and works of art. (ii) Unlawful interference with international civil aviation. (iii) Drugs problem. (iv) International Curency Counterfeiting. (v) International Traffic of Women. (vi) Co-operation with regard to traffic in foreign currency and foreign exchange control. (vii) Creation of an international computerized search file. (viii) Powers and duties of police with regard to the search of persons and premises and the seizure of property. (ix) Police success rate: difficulties encountered in determining this. (x) Systamatic surveillance of international criminals. (xi) Fraudulent travel documents. (xii) Police Telecommunication. 7. The ICPO-Interpol brings out certain publications on matters of police interest. The publications comprise:- (i) A monthly magazine entitled 'International Police Review'. (ii) International Crime Statistics showing yearly statistics of crime under different major heads in the member countries. (iii) Summary report of cases of international drug traffic- monthly. This enlists the main cases of drug traffic of international nature. (iv) Counterfeits and forgery- monthly. 8. The ICPO-Interpol continues to render invaluable service to humanity in its fight against international crimes and criminals and in the field of international co-operation. The Indian P & T Department feels privileged to bring out a stamp to mark the completion of 50 years of useful service by the ICPO to the nations of the world. 9. The stamp design shows the emblem of the ICPO-Interpol. The First Day Cover depicts the new headquarters of the ICPO-Interpol at Paris.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The design of the stamp is vertical and depicts the emblem of the ICPO-Interpol.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 30,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Brown

Syed Ahmad Khan Aligarh University
Stamp Issue Date : 17/10/1973
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0699
Stamp Information : Syed Ahmad Khan was one of the greatest Indians of the ninteenth cenury. In the history of india's transition from medievalism to modernism, he stands out prominently as a dynamic force pited against conservatism, superstition, interia and ignorance. He was born in Delhi on October 17, 1817, and breathed his last in Aligarh on March 27, 1898. His life is a long story of struggle against the forces that stood in the way of India's progress. He was, in fact, one of the most eminent builders of modern india. He found in education the panacea to all ills- social, political and economic- of contemporary Indian society. He dedicated his life to the educational advancement of the Indians, particularly the Muslims who had refused to move with the times and had remained wedded to old modes of thought and behaviour. In 1863, he appealed to all people of India and exhorted them to apply all their energies to the improvement of the educational system of the country. During the same year, he established the Scientific Society for inculcating a scientific attitude of mind among the people and a few years later started a journal the Indian Institute Gazete for popularizing the aims of the Scientific Society. In 1875, Syed Ahmad Khan established the M.A.O. College at Aligarh and expressed the hope "that this college may expand into a university whose sons shall fo forth throughout the length and breadth of the land to preach the gospel of free enquiry, of large hearted toleration and of pure morality." Twenty two years after his death, his dream was realized and the M.A.O. College developed into Aligarh Muslim University. "Sir Syed" writes Maulana Azad, "had established in Aligarh not only a college, but an ntelectual and cultural center in tune with the progressive spirit of the times. The centre of this circle was Sir Syed himself and he attracted around him some of the best intellects of the day." In fact, he laid the foundation of what may be called the Aligarh School of Urdu literature. Nearly all important Urdu writers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries belong to this school. In the sphere of social reform, Syed Ahmad Khan played a very important role in extricating the people from the meshes of medievalism and superstition. He started a journal, Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq also called Mohammadan Social Reformer, with the purpose of creating an awarteness of the problems of modern life. This journal laid the foundation of journalism in Urdu. Syed Ahmad Khan made valuable contribution in different branches of literature, religion, ethics, philosophy and history. His work on the archaelogy of Delhi, known as The Asar-us Sanadid laid the foundation of archaeological studies of Delhi. He entited a number of historical works, like the Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi of Barani, Ain-i Akbari of Abul Fazal and the Memories of Jahangir, Syed Ahmad Khan was interested in the history of religious thought and wrote a number of books on religious themes and initiated comparative religious studies. As a religious thinker, he stood for nationalism and for fresh interpretation of religion in the light of the changing conditions of society. In this field again he laid the foundation of a new school of thought (Ilm-i Kalam), which brought with it a revaluation of the traditional social ethics of the Muslim community. By issuing a stamp in memory of Syed Ahmad Khan, the P & T Department pays homage to a great Indian, social reformer and educationist of the 19th century, whose contribution to the building of modern India was remarkable in many respects.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The design of the stamp is horizontal and depicts the portrait of te personality.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Horizontal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 10,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Raw Sienna

Indepex 73" Plilatelic  
 Inaugeration of First Bangladesh Parliament
 Homage to Martyrs for Independence
 Bhim Rao Ambedkar ( Lawyer ) - Commemoration
Allan Octavian Hume (Founder of Indian National Congress) - Commemoration 
Gandhi and Nehru - Commemoration
 Romesh Chandra Dutt ( Writer ) - Commemoration
 K.S.Ranjitsinghji ( Cricketer ) - Commemoration
Vithalbhai Patel ( Lawyer) - Commemoration
 President's Bodyguard - Bicentenary
 Children's Day
 National Cadet Corps - 25th Anniversary
Chakravarti Rajagopalachari 
Stamp Issue Date : 25/12/1973
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.20
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0706
Postal Stamp Name : C. RAJAGOPALACHARI
Stamp Information : Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, popularily known as Rajaji, was born in 1878 in Salem district of Madras. He was educated at the Central College, Bangalore and the Presidency College and Law College, Madras. He joined the Bat in 190 and practised at Salem till 1919. His association with te freedom movement began in 1906. Fired with the urge to serve the country more devotedly, he gave up the practice and joined Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha campaign in 1919 and freedom movement in 1920. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was General Secretary of the Indian National Congress from 1921 and a member of its Working Committee from 1922 to 1942 and again during 1946-47 and 1951-54, Between 1921-42 he was imprisoned five times for participating in the freedom movement. In April 1942, he resigned from the COngress on account of differences of opinion. He was Secretary of Prohibition League of India in 1930 and Prmier of Madras during 1937-39. He was also Vice-President of Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha for some time. He assisted Mahatma Gandhi in his talks with the late Mr. Jinnah in 1944 and was a Member of the Interim Government during 1046-47 and Governr of West Bengal from August 1947 and June 1948. An elder statesman and a great patriot, Rajaji acted as Governor-Feneral of India in November 1047 and had the unique distinction of being the first Indian Governaor0General from June 1948 to January 1950. His elavation to the highest office of the country was a recognition of his distinguished services to the country by a grateful nation and a tribute to his outstanding capabilities. He was Minister without portfolio in the Union Cabinet, July-December 1950. Minister of Home Affairs 1950-51 amd Chief-Minister of Madras 1952-54. In 1954 he was awarded the highest honour of the land; 'Bharat Ratna' for his great services to the nation. A strong believer in pacifism and an uncompromising critic of nuclear weapons, Rajaji carried on an incesant campaign against the use of atom bombs and was the spokesman of the three-man Indian delegation from Gandhi Peace Foundation to canvass support for the prohibition of nuclear tests. His voice against nuclear weapons was only an outward manifestation od a mind and a heart imbued with spiritual and moral values and boundless love for humanity. Basic values of religion formed the sheet anchor of his life. He wrote a number of books all of which have profound moral significance to the conflict-torn world. He was convinced that civilization beased on materialism was self-destructive. The cultivation of moral values alone could provide a durable doundation to civilization. While Rajaji's books Marcus Aurelius and Socrates, the Vedanta, the Bhagwad Gita and the Upanishads, Voice of the Uninvolved, Kambaramayan- Ayodhya Kandam are profound, his Mahabharata and Ramayana are full of beauty and excellence. His book Hinduism- Doctranie and Way of Life is an elaboration of his "Vedanta" and is of special interest to scholars and statesmen of all countries. The crisis of the contemporary world can be overcome only by a more constructive examination and appreciation of the moral and philosophical background of the faiths and practices that have hitherto kept civilization moving towards progress instead of self-destriction. The central theme of this book should encourage all those who are fighting the battle for a civilization governed by Moral Order. He edited Gandhiji's Yong India during tehe Later's imprisonment and was the principle contributor to the Swarajya. As an accomplished dialectrician, he always had a formula to offer for the most difficult and intricate problem. Paying tribute to C.R. in his Autobiography, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru wrote: "His brilliant intellect, selfless caharacter and penetrating powers of analysis have been tremedous assets to our cause." His death on December 25, 1972 has removed from our midst a statesman, a profound thinker and a great patriot. The P & T Department deems it a great honour to bring out a commemorative stamp in memory of this illustrious son of India on his first death anniversary.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp is vertical and depicts the portrait of C. Rajagopalachari.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.56 x 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Diagonal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 20,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Raw Sienna

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa ( Religious Leader ) - Commemoration
Army Postal Servive Corps - First Anniversary

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