
Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Dhyan Chand

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
Dhyan Chand was born on 28 August 1905 in a Rajput family of Prayag in Uttar Pradesh. After his birth, his family moved to Jhansi, where Dhyan Chand spent his childhood and most of the later years of his life. After his early education, he joined the Indian Army as a soldier at the age of 16. The seeds of artistry in hockey were planted and nurtured in him by Subedar Major Tiwari of his regiment. An Indian team participated in the Hockey Tournament for the first time in the VIII Olympiad held at Amstardom in 1928. India won the championship by 3-0. Out of the three goals, two were scored by Dhyan Chand. In 1932 Olympics at Los Angeles, Indian team under the captainship of Lal Shah Bukhari again won the championship. India defeated America by 24-1 and thus set a world record. Nine out of 24 goals were scored by Dhyan Chand and ten by his younger brother, Roop Singh. In the X Olympiad held at Berlin in 1936, Dhyan Chand captained the Indian team. India defeated Germany by 4-1. Dhyan Chand exhibited such a wizardy with his hockey stick that speculation was rife that a magnet was embedded in his hockey stick to attract the ball. His hockey stick was ordered to be changed but his play continued to hold the spectators and his opponents spellbound. The Second World War intervened and the subsequent Olympiads were not held. Dhyan Chand thereafter retired from active hockey but his passion for the game remained undimmed. He guided and coached a large number of hockey players. His son, Ashok Kumar, inder his inspired coaching added luster to Indian Hockey by representing India in international tourneys. Dhyan Chand retired from the Army in 1956 with a rank of Major. The President of India conferrd on him the award of PadmaBhushan in recognition of his outstanding services to the cause of Indian hockey. He passed away on 3rd December 1979. Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a commemorative stamp in his honour. (The above text is based on material published elsewhere and/or supplied by the sponsors.)
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp design consists of portrait of Dhyan Chand. The first day cover depicts Dhyan Chand in action.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
4.06 X 2.75 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.70 x 2.0 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color
Mineral Red

Gold Mining
Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
Kolar Gold Fields in the State of Karnataka are reported to have been mined for gold during the last 2000 years or so. The gold lodes of Kolar Gold Fields lie in a narrow bond of rocks of Dharwar Series. The systematic mining for gold in this area during modern times was started by an English mining firm, John Taylor & Sons in 1880. The mines were taken over by the Government of Mysore in 1956 and by the Government of India in 1962. The provision of railway connection in 1894 and availibility of electric power in 1902 from the first hydel power station in Asia at Sivasamudram played a key role in rapid development of the mines. These are some of the depest mines in the world, the deepest point being 3.2 Km below surface. Inclined and vertical shafts have been sunk either along the reef or across the country rock. The length of excavations underground in the form of tunnels, shafts, etc. total about 1000 Kms. The gold-bearing ore is excavated in a carefully systamised sequence and the shafts and tunnels are supported by steel arches lagged with timber to ensure safety of mine workers. In view of very high stresses ancountered in deep mines, excavations are also supported by granite, concrete, timber amd mill-tailing fill as a safety measure. During the early period of mining, the tenor of gold averaged about 40 grammes per tonne. During the past century, approximately 46 million tonnes of gold-bearing ore has been extracted yielding about 784 tonnes of gold. The present tenor of gold is about 5 grammes per tonne. The present management, Bharat Gold Mines Ltd., a Government of India undertaking, attaches considerable importance to measures providing safe and hygienic working conditions. Instrumentation of working areas to monitor possible violent rock failures, adequate ventilation, effective dust suppression and fire fighting equpment are some of the measures which play major roles in this sphere. Regular radilogical examination of workers and sampling of underground ore for toxic dust are important industrial hygiene measures undertaken by the management. At present about 12000 employees of various categories are on the rolls. Being a labour intensive industry, massive efforts are made to educate the workers in accident prevention. High priority is also given to the welfare of the employees. IndianPosts and Telegraphs Department is happy to commemorate the centenary of Kolar Gold Fields by issuing a postage stamp. (The above text is based on material published elsewhere and/or supplied by the sponsors).
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp depicts a miner drilling for ore along with representation of molten gold being poured into a mould and a few gold bricks. The first day cover shows old and new techniques of drilling for ore against a mine head structure.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color

  Helen Keller 1880-1968
Date of Issue : 27 June 1980
Occasion :Helen Keller ( Campaigner for the Handicapped ) - Birth Centenary
Scottish Church College Calcutta

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
The Scottish Church College alongwith the Collegiate School, which celebrates the 150th Year of its foundation this year, has rich heritage. Initially known as the General Assembly's Institution, it was founded on the 13th July, 1830 by Allexander Duff, the first overseas missionary of the Church of Scotland to India. Dr. Duff with Raja Rammohan Roy, the father of modern India, played significant rolein supporting Lord AMcaulay in drafting his famous minute for the introduction of English education in India. Successive eminent missionary scholars from Scotland, viz. Dr. Ogilvie, Dr. Hastie, Dr. Macdonald, Dr. Stephen, Dr. Watt. Dr. Urqahart and others contributed to the spread of the liberal Western education. Dr. Duff played a leading part in founding the Calcutta University in 1857, he was associated with the Agro-horticultural Society and the establishment of a medical college. He also aimed at breaking down caste-barriers by founding several girls schools. The Scottish Church College played a pioneering role in women's education as well as co-education in the country, girls comprise half the present roll strength of the College. With the aded interest of the missionaries in educational work and social upliftment, the College stands as a monument to Indo-Scottish Co-operation. The aims and principles of the College are essentially those of its founder namely, the formation of character through education based on Christian teaching. The motto of the College in NECTAMEN CONSUME BATUR i.e. burning and yet not consumed. With Honours cources in almost all important subjects, a well-equipped Science Department and a Library with rare manuscripts and collections, a B.Ed. Department for women and six hostels, the College caters primarily to the students from middle and low-income families. The galaxy of a alumni includes men of international fame like Swami Vivekanand, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and others. Under a constitution adopted in 1953, the controll till then vesting in the Church of Scotland was transferred to a Council representative of the Church of North India and the staff of the College. The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a special postage stamp to commemorate 150 years of service by this renowned institution to the nation.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp design is a line drawing of the Scottish Church College. The first day cover, designed by Charanjit Lal, shows Alexander Duff and raja RAmmohan Roy alongwith the crest of College. The first day cancellation design also incorporates the crest of the College.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color

3rd General Conference
Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
The third General Confrence of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) is being held in New Delhi from the 21st January to 8th February 1980. All the Member States of the United Nations and observers and experts from the specialised Agencies of the United Nations and several inter-governmental and non-governmental agencies will attend the Conference. UNIDO came into being i January, 1967 persuant to the resoluton adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to promote and accelerate the industrialisation of developing countries. UNIDO's primary responsibility is to assist in promoting and accelerating the industrialisation of developing countries by encouraging the mobilisation of national and international resources. Following the recommendations of the Second General Conference inLima (Peru) in March, 1975, steps have been taken to establish UNIDO as the 16th Specialised Agency of the United Nations System. In this capacity, UNIDO will play the central role in reviewing and promoting coordination of all activities of the Uninted Nations in the field of industrial development. The third General Conference of UNIDO in New Delhi will review the world industrial situatin with specific refrence to industrialisation of developing countries and recommend appropriate strategies for further industrialisationas an essential element of the development process in the 1980s and beyond. The Conference will focus attention on industrial cooperationamong developing countries as also on mechanisms to promote the flow of integrated technical and financial assistance to developing countries. It will also review the institutional arrangements for UNIDO with refrence to its long range strategy to meet the challenges of industrialisation in the coming decades. The Third General Conference will have an important bearing on the formulation of industrial strategies and policies for the third development decade. It will be the General Assembly on the New International Economy Order. Indian P & T Department is happy to issue a special postage stamp to comemorate the Third General Conference of the UNIDO.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The design of the stamp, comprising the logo of the United Nations, industrial wheel and stylised human figures, symbolises international cooperation for industrial development. First Day Cover The first day cover designed by Shri Madhusudan Chaudhary depicts the logo of the United Nations with a sunburst of industrial wheels symbolising industrial development.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color

Darul Uloom Doband 1980

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
The 1857 War of Independence was fought with unique revolutionary fervour and sense of national identity. One of its many remarkable features was the participation of a large number of Muslim divines and thinkers who not only issued edicts in favour of the war against the British, but also often fought as combat soldiers in the national army. Among those who tok part in the battle of Shamli in Muzaffarnagar District of Utar Pradesh was the great sufi and saint, Shah Imdadullah Muhajir Makki: one of his companions in arme was a 25 years old scholar Muhammad Qasim, of Nanauta in Saharanpur District of Uttar Pradesh later to become famous all over the Islamic world as the founder and the guiding spirit of the Darul-Uloom at Deoband (Distt. Saharanpur). Founded in 1866, with the inspiration of Shah Imdadullah Muhajir makki, Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi and other great muslims of the time, the Darul-Uloom began to attract students and scholars from far and wide even during the brief life span of Maulana Muhammad Qasim. The institution kept up its tradition of unflinching devotion to the laws and learning of Islam in their pristine purity, strong nationalist bias and total independence of Government aid. It became, in the words of late President Rajendra Prasad, " a stronghold of freedom". During its 114 years of existence, it has not accepted any grant or aid from any Government body and yet has been able to educate to the highest level more than 15,000 scholars in Islamic laws, theology, philosophy and medicine. Students have come to it from as far as the USSR, China, Africa, and even Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen. At present its enrolment exceeds 1,800; the number of rsident teachers and men of learning is almost 400; its budget for the year 1978 was about Rs. 29 lakhs. Among those who have taught or studied at the Darul-Uloom are some of the greatest names in the world of Islamic learning during the last one hundred years. The Darul-Ulom has stood over the years as a citadel of the ideals of fredom and self-determination against European imperialism all over Asia and Africa. Maulana Muhammad Qasim died at the early age of 48 in 1880, almost a hundred years ago. The Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a special stamp to commemorate DArul-Uloom, the institution that is his everlasting memorial.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp depicts a view of the main building of Darul-Uloom, Deoband which houses Darul-Tafseer and Drul-Hadis. The first day cover, designed by the India Security Press, shows a view of the building of Darul-Ifta, one of the departments of the Darul-Uloom, Deoband.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.54 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color
Olive Green

Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
Three hundred years ago a meteor illumined the firmament over the Sahayadris in Maharashtra. Shivaji, who shook the very fondations of the Moghul Empire of Aurangzeb, was born in 1630 at Shivneri, a hill fortress in the Pune district of Maharashtra. According to some historians the year of birth is 1627. His father Shahaji Bhonsle was a doughty warrior, Jijabai, his mother was a person of austere and spiritual temprament. Throughout Shivaji's life, his mother was the guiding spirit. She instiled in him a passionate attachment to what is right and just, a burning pride in the glorious past of the country and an abiding faith in his life's mission to carve out an independent kingdom. His career of daring military exploits started at the age of 19 when he occupied Torana, In quick succession he captured several forts, fortified others and brought the surrounding countryside under his banner. He also succeeded in uniting the scattered forces of the Maratha chieftains in the neighbourhood. He defeated the Adil Shahi forces sent out against him through a series of guerilla moves. His activities brought down the wrath of the Emperor of Dlhi and the Moghul arms advanced against him. Shivaji succeeded in checking the tide of Moghul invasion. After many adventures on the land and water he became the master of an extensive teritory. In a resplendent ceremony in 1674 in the fortress of Raigad fort, Shivaji's formal coronation took place. He passed away in 1680. A great patriot, a man of valour and an enlihtened ruler, he gave his kingdom an efficient administration, a disciplined army and navy and a public life based on justice, religious tolerance and equality. He assured "protection of the religion of all sects without distinction", extended "patronage to the truly pious men of all creed" and provided "equal opportunities to all his subjects". His name is a well-spring of inspiration to succeeding generations. His brve deeds have passed from life to legend in form of countless ballads. The Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department join the nation in paying homage to the memory of the great son of India by issuing a commemorative stamp.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp shows Shivaji against the background of Raigad Fort. The First Day Cover depicts an artist's impression of coronation of Shivaji. Cancellation shows a shield used in India during 17th century.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.54 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color

India Government Mint, Bombay - 150th Anniversary
Date of Issue : 25 December 1980
Occasion :India Government Mint, Bombay - 150th Anniversary
A small family is a happy family, circa 1980

Welthy Fisher

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
Welthy Fisher (nee Housinger) was born on 18 September 1879 in the town of Rome in the United States of America. In her earlier years she trained for opera singing and was a melodious singer., However, inspired by an evangelist, Dr. Robert Speers, she quit the glittering world of opera. Five years after her graduation from Syracus University in 1900 she left for China where she worked till 1917 as Principal of a school for girls in Nanchang in the Kiangsi province. Her first visit to India was in 1920. After her marriage to Fredrick Bohn Fisher, a Methodist Bishop in India, she travelled extensively in the country. She also had the priviledge of meeting Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore. After the death of her husband she dedicated herself to service of humanity with renewed vigour. She spent several years and visited several countries to study educational methodology. During the course of her visit to India in 1947, she met Mahatma Gandhi on 15 December 1947. Gandhiji had then advised her to go to villages and help the villagers. Welthy Fisher came back to India in 1952. She started an adult literacy class for the villagers in a verandah of the Agricultural Institute at Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh in 1953. She constantly experimented with various teaching aids, preparing and selecting books for the adult neo-literates and developed a literacy kit to equip a teacher to teach 25 students at a time. Later onshe moved from Allahabad to Lucknow, acquired land and, with the help of renowned architect Lauri Baker constructed "Saksharta Niketan' (Literacy House). For twenty years she devoted every minute of her waking hours to the welfare of the Indian villagers. In 1973 she handed over the management of the institute to the Indian Literacy Board and went back to the United States, where she is still active in her chosen field of work. She has been honoured with many awards, the prestegious among them are Nehru Literacy Award, RamonMAgsaysay Literacy Award, Doctor of Philosophy (Honouris Causa) of the University of Syracuse, U.S. Government Special Award on the International Literacy Day in 1978, UNESCO Literacy Prize, etc. The P & T Department is privileged to issue a special stamp to honour a devoted friend of India.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The design of the stamp depicts a view of the 'Saksharata Niketan' (Literacy House) established by Welthy Fisher (inset) in Lucknow. The first day cover shows the portrait of Welthy Fisher. The design of the First Day Cancellation shows a book, quill and ink-pot symbolising adult literacy.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.54 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color
Blue Grey

World Book Fair
Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
The 4th World Book Fair, organised at New Delhi by National Book Trust, India, in collaboration with the Indian Book Trade, is the most important book event in India, perhaps in the whole Asia. Since its inception in 1957, National Book Trusat, India, is engaged in the primary task of promoting bookmindedness in the country. The trust has also been assisting in the overall growth of the publishing industry. To fulfil this dual objective, the Trust, on the one hand, has been publishing interesting titles in English and in Indian Languages on a wide variety of the subjects and, on the other, organising national and international book fairs in the important centres in India. The Trust has so far organised three World Book fairs, the first in 1972, the second in 1976 and the third in 1978. The Trust has also organised National Book Fairs; the last antional Book Fair was held in Bangalore in December 1978-January 1979. Apart from being a festival of books, published in almost all countries of the world, the 4th World Book Fair adequately projects the developments made by the Indian publishing industry in recent years. One of the special attractions of the Fair is an impressive display of children's books, Indian paperbacks and books of neoliterates. Generally, the Fair will help in promoting cultural exchange between the participanting countries. The Indian section of the fair has more than 400 participants including the University Grants Commission, commercial publishers, Central and State publishing agencies, etc. A large number of publishers, big and small, publishing books in regional languages are represented at the Fair. The Bharatiya Bhashaon Ka Mandap, a collective display of books published in Indian languages is expected to be the focal point of attraction to visitors looking for books in Indian languages. Similarly Book Bazaars, which will be organised on selected days at the Fair, will offer a large number of books for sale at a substantial discount. Publishing in India has taken rapid strides during the recent years. With the growth of the industry coupled with the additional demand for good reading material generated by the spread of literacy. editorial performance and the quality of books now produced in the country have steadly improved. Striking evidence of this progress in the book publishing sector in India is the fact that the export of Indian books has registered a significant increase from rs. 1.52 crores in 1972-73 to over Rs. 5.00 crores in 1977-78. Printing capacity has also greatly increased. Adoption of the latest technology by Indian Press is reflected in the high quality of printing. Indian and overseas publishers participating at the Fair have the opportunity of expanding the trade in books and also be able to exchange notes on the various aspects of books production and promotion. Synchronised with the Fair, a number of seminars, symposia, workshops, etc. will be held. One of the seminars, organised with UNESCO's assistance will discuss 'Publishing for Rural Areas in Developing Countries'. The Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department feels privileged to commemorate 4th World Book Fair by issuing a special postage stamp.
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp depicts a few boks arranged in the form of a circle, giving the impression of a moving wheel suggesting the dynamic force of the printed world. The first day cover illustration is a view of a book fair. The first day cancellation design is based on the Sanskrit word Rita (rita -hindi), the central order which transforms chaos and confusion into symmetry and beauty and from which originated the primeval speech carrying the seeds of knowledge and truth.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.54 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color
Monstral Blue

  Institution Of Engineers (India) 
 Date of Issue : 17 February 1980
Occasion :Institution of Engineers (India) - Commemoration

Kashan Chand Sen

Date of Issue : 15 April  1980
 Occasion :Keshub Chandra Sen ( Religious and Social Reformer) - Commemoration

Mother Teresa & Nobel Prize

Stamp Issue Date
Postage Stamp Dinomination
Postal Stamp Serial Number
Postal Stamp Name
Stamp Information
Her face deeply seamd with the passing years, Mother Teresa in her blue-bordered, coarse cotton white sari is a familiar figure on the streets of Calcutta and is held in deep affection by the people not only to Calcutta but of the whole country. She was born on 27 August 1910 to Albanian parents in Skopje (Yugoslavia) and was baptized Agnes. From an early age, she cherished the desire to "go out and give the love of Christ". Inspired by the tales of work done in Bengal by the Irish Order at the age of 18. She came out to India on 6 January 1929 and began teaching Geography at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta. On a train ride on 10 September 1946 to Darjeeling for the annual retreat, she felt the touch of a divine command. The message was to leave her cloistered existence and plunge into bustlibg Calcuta to care for "the poorest of the poor". When the Church granted her permissions to lay aside her habit, she donned the now well-known blue bordered, white coarse cotton sari and left the cloistered arbours of the convent on 18 August 1948, never to return. All she had with her then was five rupees, her unfailing faith and tremendous determination. She founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta on 7 October 1950 and her simple blue-edged white sari came to be its uniform. The Missionaries of Charity have since grown into a worldwide order numbering more than 1800 nuns, 250 brothers and thousands of lay co-workers. who serve the sick and the por in 30 countries. The order has built leprosariums, children home's, havens for women, the handicapped and the old. For every kind of tragedy, Mother Teresa and her nuns manage to create a measure of consolation. The deepest consolation offered, though, is something that goes beyond physical care. "For me each one is an individual," Mother TEresa once explained. "I can give my whole heart to that person for that moment in an exchange of love. It is not social work. We must love each other. It involves emotional involvement, making people feel they are wanted." The enormous and compassionate work evoked worldwide recognition. Award followed award, from the Padmashree (1962), the Magasaysay Award (1962), the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971), the John F. Kennedy International Award (1971), the JAwaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding (1972), the Order of St. Francis of Assisi (1974), to the Noble Peace Prize (1979). Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department feels honoured to issue a stamp to commemorate the noble work of Mother Teresa and her band of devoted associates. (The above text is based on material published elsewhere and/or supplied by sponsors).
Philatelic Stamp Description
The stamp carries the portrait of Mother Teresa along with the fascimile of the reverse of the Noble Peace Prize medallion. The first day cover designed by Charanjit Lal is a collage of her portraits with her message. The cancellation includes a line drawing showing her with a child.
Stamp Currency
Stamp Type
Stamp Language
Stamp Overall Size
3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size
3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet
Stamp Perforations
13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape
Postage Stamp Paper
Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process
Number of stamps printed
Stamp Printed At
India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color


 Raja Annamali Chettiar

Stamp Issue Date:30/09/1980
Postage Stamp Dinomination:0.35
Postal Stamp Serial Number:0982
Stamp Information:Annamalai Chettiar was born on 30 September 1881 at Kanadukattam in the Ramanathapuram District of Tamil Nadu. His father, S.R.M.M. Muthiah Chettiar was a rich and influential banker. After his schooling, he joined his family business. During the course of his business, he visited some of the countries in South-east Asia. He also spent a considerable time in England. On his return home, he became the head of the civic body of kairaikudi, also member of several local organisations and the District Board. In 1916, he transisted from local affairs to the Legislayive Council of Madras Presidency, where he sat for 3 years. In 1920 he stood for election to the Council of State, established under the Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, and was returned for the general constituency (the whole of the Presidency) at the head of polls. He held his seat in the Council for three consicutive terms, always by election and everytime at the head of the polls. With his natural bent for finnce, he with others founded the Indian Bank. He was also appointed a Governor of the Imperial Bank of India at its inception in 1921 and cotinued as one of its Directors almost to the end of his life. Annamalai Chettiar was of the firm view that education was the primary need for the country. He made his mind to found and endow a college at Chidambaram. Sri Minakshi College was formarlly opened in 1920. To the Arts College was aded the Sanskrit College and a Tamil College in 1927. Soon an Oriental Training College folowed by a College of Music was established. With all these institutions forming a splendid nucleus for a University came into existence on 1 January 1929 with the passing of the Bill and started functioning from July 1929. In recognition of his unique services to the cause of learning, a Knighthood, and the destinction of a hereditary Rajah was conferred on him. Rajah Annamalai Chettiar was deeply concerned over and made persistent efforts to safegaurd the interests of Indians in Burma and French Indo-China. For this purpose he led a deputation to London and Paris in 1935. Even while immersed in other affairs, his thoughts were always with the University at Annamalainagar. Its development and expansion was his master passion. His devotion to music, espesially Tamil music was another of his passions. The movement and the impetus that he gave to Tamil music were hailed by all. He passed away on 15 June 1948. Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to issue a commemorative stamp in his honour.
Philatelic Stamp Description:The stamp design consists of a portrait of Rajah Annamalai Chettiar. The first day cover design is a sketch of the main buiding of the Annamalai University founded by Rajah Annamalai Chettiar.
Stamp Currency:P
Stamp Language:English
Stamp Overall Size:4.06 X 2.75 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size:3.70 X 2.4 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet:40
Stamp Perforations:14,1/2x14
Postal Stamp Shape:Vertical
Postage Stamp Paper:Unwatermarked P.G. Matt coated paper
Indian Stamp Process:Photogravure
Number of stamps printed:20,00,000
Stamp Printed At:India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color:Purple


S.M. Zamin Ali

Stamp Issue Date:25/06/1980
Postage Stamp Dinomination:0.30
Postal Stamp Serial Number:0972
Postal Stamp Name:S.M. ZAMIN ALI
Stamp Information:Syed Mohammad Zamin Ali occupies a distinguished position in the realm of Urdu language and literature. He blazed a trial in the Urdu academic world by introducing graduate, post-graduate and research courses in Allahabad University. A founder-head of the Urdu Department of Allahabad University, he designed the basic structure of Urdu studies from the primary to the highest level in India. Born on 25 June 1880 at Mustafabad village in the Rae Bareli district of Uttar Pradesh, Zamin Ali was the youngest son of late Syed Wajid Ali. His grand-father, Nauroz Ali was a good poet of his time. Prof. Ali was a poet and also a writer with facile pen. But it was as an educationist that he excelled. He was educated at Agra and Allahabad. After a brilliant academic career, he joined the faculty of the Persian and Arabic Department of Allahabad University. His proposal to create sepearate Departments of Urdu and Hindi studies, which were then under the Oriental Department of Allahabad University, was accepted in 1922 by Sir Ganganath Jha, a noted Sanskrit scholar and Vice Chancellor of the University. Associated with the Board of studies of several universities, he formulated the curriculum of Urdu language and literature. His compilations and books on varios poets and marsiya writers found a place of prominence in the syllabus of studies at various stages. His monumental work in 'Urdu Zaban-e-Adab'. This is the only book of Urdu linguistics and is more comprehensive than Sir George Greison's 'Linguistic Survey of India'. Prof. Ali was in the lineage of Munir Shikohabadi and followed the traditions of Lucknow School of Poetry. He started composing nazms and gazals at an early age under the guidance of Mir Ali Obaid 'Naisa'. His ghazals and marsiyas reflected the elegance and clarity of thought. He was a founder-member of the Hindustani Academy, which was founded in 1926 on the lines suggested by Mahatma Gandhi and was the editor of the Urdu Section of the Academy's bilingual magazine 'Hindustani'. He also edited a magazine called 'Naisa'. He passed away on 25 April 1955. Paying tribute to Prof. Ali, Pandit Nehru described him as "the most brilliant crusader for the cause of Urdu of my time." Indian Posts and Telegraphs Department is privileged to honour the memory of great educationist and poet by issuing a special postage stamp.
Philatelic Stamp Description:The stamp carries a portrait of the personality. The first day cover designed by Charanjit Lal depicts a view of the Muir Central College Building, Allahabad.
Stamp Currency:P
Stamp Language:English
Stamp Overall Size:3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size:3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet:35
Stamp Perforations:13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape:Vertical
Postage Stamp Paper:Watermarked paper
Indian Stamp Process:Photogravure
Number of stamps printed:20,00,000
Stamp Printed At:India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color:Olive Green

2nd International Conference On Apiculture

Stamp Issue Date : 29/02/1980
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 1.00
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 0962
Postal Stamp Name : BEES & HONEYCOMB
Stamp Information : Apiculture of bee-keeping is an try in the developed countries. In the developing countries its full potential is yet to be realised. The untapped potential for bee-keeping in the tropical countries, with their rich flora and favourable climate, is high. Most of the developing countries in the tropical belt have an urgent need for increasing opportunities for gainful emplyment and income in the rural areas. Apiculture can make useful contribution in this respect as the research and developmental work already done suggests that it can be raise to the status of a viable economic proposition ad a source for stable occupation for the rural areas. In order to achieve a widespread impact, there is need to develp an appropriate technological package supplemented and supported by adequate service and developmental efforts. Realising the importance of apiculture for honey production as well as the crop pollination, an international conference was organised in London in 1976 by the 'Worl Crops' in collaboration with the International Bee Reaserch Association. The recommendations flowing out of the first conference have intensified reasearch and develomental activities relating to apiculture in tropical climates. The Second International Conference at New Delhi has been organised by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research in collaboration with the Khadi & Village Industries Commission, the Department of Science & Technology and the Indian National Science Acadmy. The attention in this conference will be focused on identification of the constraints responsible for the prevailing gap between the potential and actual productivity of apiculture systems in the tropics. The conference will also bend its energies in devising a master plan of action for making apiculture a source of gainful employment in the rural areas of the dveloping countries in the tropics. Indian Posts & Telegraphs Department is happy to commemorate the Second International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates by issuing a special stamp.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp in horizontal format shows bees with symbolic representation of a bee-heve. The first day cover illustration is an artist's impression of a bee on a flower. The first day cancellation consists of a line drawing of the bee-hive alongwith the caption in Hindi & English.
Stamp Currency : R
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.54 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Horizontal
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked adhesive stamp paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 20,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Chestnut & JBA's Red Brown

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