
Sunday, 2 December 2012


The Asiatic or Indian lion used to be found in Iran and Iraq as well as in northern and central India. It is now restricted to the Gir forest in Gujarat.The Indian lion is similar to the African cousin but has some slight differences such as fewer spots visible when young and longer tail tassels. The habits of the Indian lion do not differ from those of the African. By day they rest under the shade of trees and at dusk go in quest for food. Their roars are heard throughout the night, more noticeably at dusk and again just before daybreak. In the Gir forest they prey mainly on game and cattle.
swamp deer

The swamp deer is found exclusively in India. In Terai (Uttar Pradesh), Assamand the Sunderbans, the swamp deer is distinguished by its splayed hooves and larger skull, while in the hard open ground of Madhya Pradesh, it has smaller well-knit hooves. The coat of the swamp deer, almost woolly in texture, shades from brown to yellowish brown. There is much variation in the form of the antlers. 10 to 14 is the usual number of points of branches of antlers, though there may be as many as 20. Swamp deer has moderate eyesight and hearing power and acute sense of smell. The number of swamp deer is decreasing and it is a protected animal.

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