Coral reefs are among
the greatest splendours of nature. They are the biggest structures built by
living organisms. The extent of biodiversity supported by the coral reef is
matched by no other ecosystem except the tropical rain forest.
Interestingly, the
vast reefs are built by tiny coral animals, often so small that they are
invisible to the naked eye. What is commonly referred to as coral is actually
the skeleton of the coral- animal, which is also called a polyp. Polyps
generally multiply by the process of budding, whereby a portion of the parent
pinches off to form a daughter polyp. All the daughter polyps along with their
skeletons form a colony. Every coral colony begins as a minute skeleton of one
single polyp, and keeps on growing by adding more and more individuals. Corals
on the reefs have algae living inside their cells. The algal pigments are mostly
responsible for the spectacular colours of the corals. The shapes, sizes and
textures of the coral colonies vary enormously. There are at least 800 corals
species, each one producing a distinct colony - rounded, flat, massive,
leaf-like, brain-like and so on.
The coral reef
ecosystem is a diverse collection of species that co-exist in remarkable
symbiosis. Sponges, sea anemones, worms, sea urchins, shrimps, crabs, octopuses,
squids, clams, turtles, sea snakes and different types of fishes live in the
reefs, adding to their colour and splendour.
About 250 species of
corals are known to exist in Indian reefs, a majority of them in the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands. The other areas with well-grown coral reefs are the Gulf of
Mannar, Gulf of Kachchh and Lakshadweep. Coral reefs provide livelihood to
coastal communities by way of food and ornamental fishes, shells, algae and
tourism. Coral reef organisms are also huge reservoirs of bioactive molecules of
potential pharmaceutical value. Excessive human interference in the recent years
in the form of coral mining, over harvest of fishes and other living resources,
pollution of the sea etc. has led to a dramatic loss in the extent of Indian
reefs. There is an urgent need to spread awareness about the economic and
ecological importance of corals so that any further damage to this important
ecosystem can be prevented.
corals which figure on the stamps are: Acropora digitifera, Fungia horrida,
Montipora acquituberculata and Acropora formosa.
Fungia horrida,
commonly called the mushroom coral, is a single polyp and unlike other corals,
is capable of limited movement.
digitifera is a digitate coral having finger-like projections
arising from
the colony base.
Montipora Acquituberculata
Montipora acquituberculata or the velvet coral grows in the form of whorls.
Montipora acquituberculata or the velvet coral grows in the form of whorls.
Acropora Formosa
Acropora formosa, also known as the staghorn coral, resembles
antlers and is among the most beautiful organisms in the reefs.
Acropora formosa, also known as the staghorn coral, resembles
antlers and is among the most beautiful organisms in the reefs.
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